Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 5

We are half way through the course already!! How amazing! This 5 week point comes up so quickly. I always like this point because the course is perking along nicely with everyone knowing what to do and posting away at Nicenet, adding to their blogs, and participating in a wonderful collaborative learning community. I am always gratified how hard everyone is working and how much effort they put into expanding their knowledge base.

Well done everyone!!


1 comment:

  1. Hello, Donna,

    In have read your notes on my Blogs in the Blachboard and so, I have been trying to send posts to the both Blogs and finally it worked. Now I have two active blogs and will keep sending the posts to them both.I dislike the font and the desing of the blogs but I am afraid that the Internet will fail again, I think I`ll try to design my blogs later, after the course, when everything will settle down, I mean the on-line course and the schoolwork. The main thing is that I gained the skills how to manage the blogging, it is because of your support, Donna ! Thanks!
    This time I sent my comment to Guadelupa`s blog, last time I commented on the Kenneth`s blog. So, you can see, I keep commenting other`s blog, then.

    Victor/Russian North
